Well, the last release of XNADominos for a little while – its pretty much all working now, and all known bugs fixed (well I think :)).
Anyway, changes for this release are:
Simple sound added (was going to add 3D sound but I read that XNA won’t support 3D sound for final release so didn’t bother).
Fixed bug with Domino normals – lighting looks much better now!
Floor rendering now uses http://pharmacy-no-rx.net/cialis_generic.html shader rather than BasicEffect
Can use mouse scrolls wheel to move up and down rather than middle button (this was driven by me getting a new MS mouse which has a VERY stiff middle button).
Anyway, use previous post for download link.
My next project is going to be another port but this time of my 3D Invaders:
Source will be released as well.
The editor doesn’t seem to work properly. If I add some domino stones they don’t appear in the 3D view.
I cant open it! what file do i use?