Cube Runner

Well, Cube Runner went live Thursday morning (UK time) slightly ahead of schedule and so far its getting some nice feedback.

I’d like to thank everyone who has emailed me with feedback (all very nice so far). I’m trying to respond to everyone but if you don’t hear back I’m very sorry.

There have been numerous requests for enhancements.
All of these have been very useful and will definately be considered – the level editor is already being considered. Also, I will be posting the designs of the included levels for people to modify and play with.

So just to say thanks for downloading it, I hope you have as much fun playing it as I still do.

Also, if you haven’t found it, the main Cube Runner support pages can be found here.

Comments can be added here – apologies if they don’t appear very quickly as due to the inordinate amount of spam I get here – I have to manually approve the comments (and yes I do forget to check as often as I should).

One thought on “Cube Runner

  1. Hi Andy,

    I’ve yet to play Cube Runner (CPW screwed ny order up) but did download it Friday, since then my HDD did a number on me over the wkend and lost all the apps! Anyway, on going to redownload it I’ve noticed its not there anymore, do u know when or anywhere else i could grab it?

    Cheers and keep up the good work!


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